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发布时间:2012-2-29 21:39:09   来源:家装家居网   编辑:中国家装家居网


  Inipi – a holiday for body and soul


  Our modern world is all about superlatives, such as the fastest, tallest and best selling. Whether at work or in our leisure time, the demands made of us just keep on growing. The ongoing high levels of activity often lead to stress that stops us from relaxing and that has a negative impact on our concentration and, in severe cases, can even lead to chronic high blood pressure.


  Stress, a disease of civilisation


  Stress is a widespread disease originating in the autonomic nervous system which, unlike the motor nervous system, is responsible for controlling the inner organs. It is mainly kept in balance by the parasympathetic nervous system, also called the “calming branch of the nervous system” because it serves the metabolism, the regeneration and the build-up of the body’s own reserves, and by the sympathetic nervous system, also called the “emergency branch”, which controls the organism’s performance when under stress, as well as the flight-or-fight response, by contracting the blood vessels.


  Ongoing tension and high physical and mental demands knock the autonomic nervous system out of balance. The result is only a limited response to continual pressure and infections, whilst important vital functions, such as blood pressure and metabolism, are thrown out of kilter.


  The sauna as a miracle cure


  It’s actually really easy to give one’s health a boost. Regular periods of calm and relaxation enhance emotional and physical well-being.


  Scientific investigations have shown that taking a sauna greatly enhances physical and emotional relaxation and provides a temporary escape from the daily routine. Alternate hot and cold stimuli restore balance to the autonomic nervous system, exercise the walls of blood vessels and prevent the causes of high blood pressure.


  It is no coincidence that the relaxing and therapeutic sauna culture dates back more than 5000 years. The first references are found in East Asia, from where it embarked upon its remarkable journey around the globe. The original inhabitants of North America developed their own unique variant called Inipi that, in the language of the Lakota Indians, means “sweat lodge” or “they sweat”.


  However, for the majority of the world’s inhabitants, a sauna within the comfort of their own home is still an unaffordable luxury. And even then it is generally installed in the cellar where it is detached from the rest of the living area.


  Inipi – the highly personal wellness oasis


  Working with the Vienna-based design team EOOS, Duravit thought about how to take the sauna out of its dismal cellar existence to enable it to take up its rightful position in the bathing and living area. The strength of the Austrian designers has always been to create designs derived from the energy of archaic role models and so it’s not surprising that they were inspired by the tradition of the Lakota Indians.


  The result is an innovative sauna concept – Inipi. Thanks to its ingenious layout, the multiple award-winning cabin is so compact that it fits easily into the bathroom and living area and still offers sauna users plenty of space. The fully glazed front not only gives Inipi an unusual transparency but also an exceptionally stylish look and there is no feeling of being closed in. All the desired sauna functions, such as temperature, air humidity, vaporisation, coloured light and sound, can be individually adjusted via the handy and comfortable manual control that is shaped like a stone, or via an operating module concealed behind a flap on the outside of the sauna.

  为了确保没有任何缺憾,杜拉维特和EOOS还开发了“Inipi Ama”淋浴模式,与桑拿小屋相得益彰。这是一个完全健康的选择,在自己家里的私密空间享受彻底的放松,为自己的身体充电,以便能够轻松应对日常生活中的各种压力。

  To ensure that it leaves nothing to be desired, Duravit and EOOS also developed the Inipi Ama shower module to complement the sauna cabin. A complete wellness offer for enjoying sheer relaxation in the privacy of your own home and for recharging your batteries in order to cope with the demands of everyday life.

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