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设计让浴室更精彩 Brilliant Designs Create Excellent Living Bathrooms
发布时间:2012-4-19 17:41:14   来源:家装家居网   编辑:中国家装家居网


  The sophisticated technology and unique workmanship of Duravit have always given the brand legendary noble characteristics and led the fashion trend in the industry. Collaborations with renowned designers provide the source of inspiration for Duravit products. Duravit, together with world top designers, has created a variety of unique Duravit bathroom series with their own individual furniture and accessories, realizing the perfect combination of various bathroom products.


  Starck 2: Art of modern and simple

  斯达克 2是Duravit 和 Philippe Starck 的第二次合作。该系列的陶瓷卫浴产品传承了之前斯达克 1 的所有优点,其设计灵感也是源于最原始的浴室设计:陶瓷产品的外形如水流般柔美,让我们可以从一种全新的角度来审视浴室。斯达克 2旨在以中等价位提供高品质设计。全新的台上式脸盆极其时尚,并且采用了该系列标志性的圆润外形,彰显出完美的线条,流畅的侧面,加上没有任何扣件,设计可谓完美无瑕。台上式脸盆、座便器和净身器宛如一件件小型艺术品,充分展示了如今斯达克 2 完整系列的魅力。

  Starck 2 is the result of the second Duravit – Philippe Starck collaboration. This range of ceramics is the ultimate successor to its famous predecessor, Starck 1, and also derives its inspiration from the origins of bathroom design: the ceramic forms embody the flowing movement of water and allow us to see the bathroom through a new set of eyes. Starck 2 aims to offer high-quality design in medium price category. The new console basin is incredibly stylish and features the characteristic round forms of the range. With perfect lines, smooth sides and no fastenings, the design has seamless perfection. The console basin, toilet and bidet are small works of art that show just how attractive the complete Starck 2 collection now is.


  昂图—— 经久不衰的时尚

  Onto – sustainable and popular design

  Matteo Thun设计的全新“昂图”浴室产品系列对洗浴空间重新进行了诠释。陶瓷件不再像传统的方式那样摆放在盥洗台上;相反,矩形或圆形的脸盆成了盥洗台的支架。盥洗台前部柔和地向下弯曲,以光滑的曲线包覆着脸盆,从而创造出一种全新的动态特质。昂图的设计极其简约,容易被人们接受和理解,便于在浴室中进行规划和安装,也易于清洗。其设计师曾说:“整洁就是美。”昂图系列将这方面的所有性质与设计的经久不衰相结合起来。

  The new “Onto” bathroom series by Matteo Thun reinterprets the washing area. The ceramic is no longer placed on the console in the traditional way but, instead, the washbasin, either rectangular or round, becomes the support for the console, which features a gentle downward sweep at the front and clads the basin in a smooth curve. This creates a new, dynamic character. Onto couldn’t be more straightforward and is easy to understand, easy to plan, easy to install and also easy to clean. As the designer once said, “Clean is beautiful”, Onto combines all of these properties with longevity of design.



  Esplanade – reinterpreting opulence for the bathroom

  Duravit与德俄建筑师Sergei Tchoban合作,打造了全系列的浴室产品艾思普达,以纯粹主义和自由形式这两种现代建筑学的黄金比例重新对诠释了“华贵”。艾思普达产品系列以大方的尺寸和柔和的外形为特色。富有设计感的“柜脚”相当抓人眼球。设计师用心回顾了18、19世纪——那个把座便器视为家具的时代。这个富有特色的基座在该系列的其它产品中也同样得以彰显,其中尤为引人注意的是那款落地式马桶,让人不禁联想到古董椅子。用同样材料制作的座便器和净身器也加深了这种历史的关联性。座便器和净身器都配有饰板。躺椅般的浴缸设计更为该系列画龙点睛。

  In collaboration with the German Russian architect, Sergei Tchoban, the resulting complete bathroom range – Esplanade, reinterprets opulence as the golden ratio between purism and so-called free forms and in the internalization of both modern architectural trends. The series features generous dimensions and soft forms. The “feet” of the vanity unit are eye catching. The designer harks back to the 18th and 19th centuries when bathroom furnishings and even toilets were still regarded as furniture. The characteristic pedestal is also featured in other elements from the range and is particularly striking on the floor-mounted toilet, which is reminiscent of an antique chair. The historical association is further endorsed by the use of the same material for the body of the toilet and bidet as for the furniture, all of which are paneled accordingly. The bathtub is designed to resemble a chaise longue and so adds the finishing touch to the range.



  Darling New – plenty of design for little money

  Duravit携手Dieter Sieger的儿子Michael Sieger及Christian Sieger,把该产品打造成一个完整的系列。从脸盆、清洗式座便器到按摩浴缸,这一全新的系列无处不折射出“物超所值的设计”这一理念。“心爱”系列以其高雅精致的线条,在陶瓷制品、家具和浴缸等产品上展现出全新的视觉效果。挂壁式座便器带有一个62厘米的凸件,更为舒适。此外,该产品还可与“闪烁” (SensoWash)电子盖板相匹配,将“心爱”系列的高雅设计与舒适洁净相结合,即使在“狭小空间”中,用户也能享受到完全的舒适与洁净。

  Duravit together with Dieter Sieger’s sons, Michael Sieger and Christian Sieger, have developed the range into a complete program. From the washbasin through the shower-toilet seat to the whirl tub, the new program upholds the essential idea of “plenty of design for little money”. The new visual leitmotif of “Darling New” is the exquisite rim, which features on the ceramic items, furniture and bathtubs alike. The wall-mounted WC with a projection of 62 cm offers a special standard of comfort. It can even be fitted with the “SensoWash” shower-toilet seat, thereby combining the design standard of Darling New with a new standard of hygiene and comfort. The user leaves the “smallest room” feeling fully satisfied, fresh and clean.



  PuraVida – contrasting colors, ingenious ideas

  由 Phoenix Design为 Duravit 设计推出的普拉达全套浴室家具系列,采用了独具一格的设计理念:以素朴的颜色为基调,突出该系列优雅时尚的外观特点。卫浴以白色为主基调,既能单独使用,也可与其他对比色搭配使用。纯白色的落地柜嵌饰板、移动式储物组件的顶板以及半高浴柜的表面点缀有这种鲜明的对比色,呈现出别样的流光溢彩。普拉达浴缸及上面的嵌饰也遵循这一色彩的搭配原则,确保浴室家具色调统一的效果。浴缸边缘采用了与家具饰面相同的对比色。全新的双色搭配设计互相映衬,和谐交融,营造出大气又不显突兀的美感。

  The complete bathroom furniture range, PuraVida, designed by Phoenix Design introduces an ingenious idea: highlighting the elegant and chic look by pure and simple tones. With white ceramics as its leitmotif, this range can be applied individually as well as combined with other contrasting colors. The pure white panel of low cabinet for console, the top panel of mobile storage unit and the surface of semi-tall cabinet with a touch of the contrasting color offer a brilliant and splendid appearance. The PuraVida bathtub and its top panels also follow the same tone, ensuring one and the same signature for the entire bathroom. In addition, the rim of the bathtub uses the same contrasting colors of the furniture finishes. The two contrasting colors show up and harmoniously blend with each other, creating an aesthetic pleasure of generosity and understatement.


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