米兰国际家具展将于2015年4月14日至19日举办 “workplace 3.0时代”--具有先锋改革性的米兰办公家具展览。该展览围绕新颖的概念及建筑师Michele De Lucchi先生构想的独特项目展开,是法国建筑师Jean Nouvel先生在2013年开展的项目“office for living”的延续。

workplace 3.0时代致力于将工作空间的多种元素融合在一个空间内(例如:从家具、配饰、配件、技术、照明、声控到温度控制)。
展览展示了多种工作空间设计理念。正如建筑师Michele De Lucchi先生所说:“技术改革了一切,赋予我们更自由的方式来完成我们想做的事情,我们可以在家、在火车上甚至在公园里工作。”
Assufficio 总裁Marco Predari先生说道:“ 米兰国际家具展是展示这些变化的最佳窗口,它能接收来自制造商与运营者的双向需求,展现一个新的展览理念,侧重于办公空间规划的设计与技术的融合。“
对此建筑师Michele De Lucchi先生也发表了见解:“我们应该将办公空间比作大脑的健身房,一个激发创意与无限可能性的场所。未来的办公室应该集中致力于解放思维,将办公地点发展成新思想涌进不竭的源泉。”
De Lucchi先生是“The Walk“活动的负责人,此活动将于Workplace3.0时代展馆中心举办,旨在传递办公空间的设计理念。
Milan, December 2014
The 2015 edition of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, from 14th to 19th April, will host Workplace3.0, a pioneering exhibition that is the natural evolution of Salone Ufficio, built around an innovative concept and featuring a special project conceived by Michele De Lucchi, in a natural progression from Jean Nouvel’s 2013 event “Project: office for living.”
Workplace 3.0 is an exhibition that brings the various components of the office environment together in one single space (from furnishing to finishing touches, utilities,technology, lighting, acoustics and climate control).
An exhibition space crammed with design ideas and triggers for inhabiting workplaces in their myriad present-day forms. As Michele De Lucchi says: “Technology has changed everything, leaving us freer to organise things the way we want them and enabling us to work anywhere, at home, in the train or even in the park.”
This new exhibition concept is geared to the fact that the nature of work changes and keeps on changing. New types of work have emerged, along with new ways of working, new workspaces and new design demands for making them ‘liveable’, with offices that have increasingly become spaces for social interchange, meetings and co-existence.
"The Salone del Mobile becomes an expression of these new trends”, says Marco Predari, President of Assufficio. “In response to requests from both manufacturers and operators, the Salone del Mobile is showcasing a new exhibition concept, focusing on design and technology in workplace planning.” The companies will interpret these changes within their dedicated space, together at times, coming up with complete design solutions.
“We should think of the workspace as a gymnasium for the mind, conceiving it as a place where relationships generate new ideas and possibilities. Offices of the future should be visualised with the focus on lifestyles unfettered by convention, evolving spaces that perpetuate an endless stream of new ideas”, says architect Michele De Lucchi.
De Lucchi is the author of “The Walk”, an event to be showcased in the middle of the Workplace3.0 pavilions aimed at transmitting design suggestions and thoughts specifically targeted at the workplace.