
展会期间,早9:30至下午18:30向业界人士开放,周六及周日面向公众开放。为便于访问者更好的安排观展计划及路线,可下载免费APP “Salone del Mobile.Milano 2015” (APP同时适用于iOS及安卓系统) 对展会情况进行预览。经典、摩登、设计三种元素将贯穿整个展会。
为了突出办公家具展区,今年米兰家具展的同期活动又一次聚焦在法国建筑师Jean Nouvel 的项目“Office for Living”的主题上。
享誉国际的意大利建筑师Michele De Lucchi将于办公家具展馆举办名为“The Walk”的活动,展示生活与办公结合的设计方案,诠释工作空间的设计要紧随工作和工作方式的不断发展而改变。
展会期间的另一场活动“在意大利”由 “Four”建筑师事务所举办,展示建筑师Dario Curatolo的设计。届时将邀请众多制造商、设计师、建筑师参与,共同探讨产品、设计和策划的解决方案。负责人将通过视频带领观众进入对意大利家具专业知识、特色及对每个产品生产过程的探索。
米兰国际家具展将整个米兰市和各个时尚及设计部门交织到了一起,多所米兰的高校都参与其中:多莫斯设计学院, 欧洲设计学院, 米兰新美术学院,米兰理工大学设计学院。在米兰展览中心、航空局及米兰交通运输局的大力支持下,米兰国际家具展将再次在全市多处设立信息点 ,由学生向观众提供由米兰市时尚和设计部门举办的关于谈判、交易等活动的信息。
此次米兰国际家具展、米兰展览中心及米兰交通运输局强强联手,为所有观众推出联票服务,此票适用于所有米兰市内公共交通,也可凭此票进入展会观展。同时,意大利铁路公司也会在此期间提供特殊服务,增停靠近展会场馆的Rho Fiera 站。
更加幸运的是,主办方将与天合联盟合作,参与此次展会的参展商、业内经营者和记者根据机票等级可以享受85折至95折的不同机票折扣,折扣适用于期间所有往返米兰的天合联盟成员航线的国际航班。初步信息将于2015年1月底在官方网站www.salonemilano.it 公布,相关通知将于2014年12月底通过电邮发送。
Milan, December 2014
Salone del Mobile.Milano 2015: work in progress
The 54th edition of the Salone del Mobile will throw open its doors at the Rho Milan Fairgrounds from Tuesday 14th to Sunday 19th April, along with the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition and SaloneSatellite – both annual exhibitions – and the biennial Euroluce/International Lighting Exhibition and Workplace3.0/SaloneUfficio.
Thousands of home furnishing, lighting, and collective workspace products will be previewed at the Milan Salone del Mobile which, thanks to the variety and quality of its exhibits, is hailed year after year as the benchmark sectoral event at global level, attracting over 350,000 visitors from 170 different countries. Open to sectoral operators from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. for the duration of the fair, the Salone will also be open to the general public on the Saturday and Sunday. The Salone preview can be accessed through the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2015 App, free for download on iOS and Android devices, enabling people to plan their visits and
orientate themselves at the fairgrounds.
The Salone Internazionale del Mobile, split into three different style categories, Classic, Modern and Design, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition and SaloneSatellite, will be accompanied this year by the biennial Euroluce / International Lighting Exhibition, in Pavilions 9-11 and 13-15 and Workplace3.0, a dedicated space for professionals with links to the design world, in Pavilions 22-24.
Euroluce will build on its mission to reveal the very latest in indoor and outdoor lighting appliances and special use lighting, as well as lighting systems, light sources and lighting application software.
Conceived in order to foster a new approach to designing workspaces in the round, Workplace3.0/SaloneUfficio will showcase prime proposals from the worlds of furnishing and furnishing accessories for public and community spaces, waiting rooms and offices, as well as architectural and technical lighting, acoustic devices, internal partitions and communication systems, technological and audio-visual service solutions, false ceilings, raised flooring, coverings, security and air conditioning systems and architectural solar panels.
In order to give greater visibility to the office sector, as in 2013, the collateral event at this year’s Salone del Mobile will again focus on the workplace, building on the theme explored two years ago in French architect Jean Nouvel’s “Project: office for living” installation.
Michele De Lucchi – the internationally renowned Italian architect – will curate the exhibition/event “The Walk” in the Workplace3.0 pavilions, a space born of the desire to showcase proposals and design solutions for living the workspace in its many different contemporary interpretations. Work and work methods are in constant evolution, and with them the workspaces and design requirements.
Another event – “IN ITALY” – will be curated by the architectural practice Four in the Morning, focusing on a design by architect Dario Curatolo, featuring a number of manufacturers and a select group of designers, planners and architects, who will tackle the issue of products, design and planning. The curator will use videos to take the audience through a virtual exploration of Italian know-how and uniqueness and the production processes behind each object.
SaloneSatellite, the unrivalled opportunity for interaction between young designers, businessmen, architects, interior designers and the press, will be back in Pavilions 22 and 24, alongside Workplace3.0/SaloneUfficio. Now in its 18th edition, the event allows emerging young designers to showcase their products and also gives them a chance of being selected to take part in the 6th edition of the SaloneSatellite Award competition, for the 3 best prototypes on exhibit, relating to the goods categories on show.
The Salone is renewing its ties with the Municipality of Milan and the city’s Department of Fashion and Design, with input from the Milan schools: Domus Academy, the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), the NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano and the Milan Polytechnic University/Design School, which culminated in the implementation of the Welcome Project at the 2014 edition.
Salone del Mobile information points will again be set up, with the support of the Milan Fairgrounds, the Airport Authority (SEA) and Milan’s Transport Agency (ATM), at various focal points around the city, manned by students providing visitors with information on how to negotiate the city, on the trade fair and the Palimpsest of events in Milan organised by the Department of Fashion and Design.
For the third year running, an agreement between the Salone del Mobile, the Milan Fairgrounds and Milan’s Transport Agency (ATM) means that visitors to the Salone will be able to acquire a combined ticket, valid for public transport on Milan’s urban network and for entry to the trade fair. Trenitalia will also be running special services, stopping at the Rho Fiera station adjacent to the exhibition pavilions.
Thanks to an agreement with SkyTeam Global Meetings, exhibitors, operators and journalists taking part in the Salone will be eligible for discounts of between 5% and 15% on flights, depending on flight class. Discounts are available on all international and intercontinental return flights to Milan, operated by SkyTeam member airlines. Pre-accreditation will be activated on the www.salonemilano.it website as of the end of January, and further information will be circulated via email by the end of December.