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发布时间:2014-4-18 15:10:44   来源:网络来源   编辑:中国家装家居网


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  Released by 5 Cats Design News Network

  Copyright, Please give credit to the original author when you use it elsewhere

  Pioneer design/Hong Kong Design Reports


  Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards






  【創建源起】[Origin of Establishment]


  Today there’re plenty varieties of design awards, so credibility, specialty and authority have become increasingly declined. Hence, to create China’s own “Red Dot Award” and “Pulitzer Prize” has become the consensus in the design circle.


  Since 5 Cats Design News Network always promotes pioneer spirit and credibility, it’s very meaningful for 5 Cats to convene and establish the “Global Pioneer Design Awards” through communication and discussion with the representative world renowned designers of the international design circle. This award will select annual “Pioneer Design” works on a global scale to inspire and encourage those outstanding designers, who love design, persevere in their careers and are talented.


  This award is named “Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards” because it’s established in China. It will start from China and extend to select excellent designs all over the world along with its gradual development in the future.

  【核心主旨】[Core Gist]


  This award is aimed at selecting the annual design masterpieces with most pioneering value from all over the world, set design examples with advanced concepts, guide the international design trends, explore and innovate the situation of design career in the present age.

  【價值和意義】[Value and Significance]


  It means to focus on the international viewpoints, commend the contributions the top designs did to the society and the designers who became famous because of their outstanding design strength, and to provide a high-end communication platform and opportunity to promote the growth of art and enhance the commercial value for the designers in the mean time.


  Global Pioneer Design Awards will particularly manifest the exploratory and practicality of designs and innovation of concept. It will lead the new way of life; thereby promote the progress of design industry.

  【賽事章程】[Regulations of the Event]


  Name: Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards, English abbreviation: GPDA


  Sponsor: Global Pioneer Design Association,English abbreviation: GPDA


  Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards Committee,English abbreviation: GPDAC

  全球先鋒設計協會的登記證號碼(Certificate No.)




  12/F., San Toi Building,137-139 Connaught Road Central,Hong Kong

  電話:(00852) 2851 1312

  傳真:(00852) 2139 3217


  電話:0755-2956 1519、2956 1529

  Room 702, Block B, Industrial Zone for Arts for Display, Number 127, Minzhi Street,

  Longhua New District, Shenzhen Municipanity.

  【舉辦機構和規則】[Organizer and Rules]

  全球先鋒設計(中國)大獎:Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards:

  由香港註冊的協會——全球先鋒設計協會(Certificate No.HK.60777754-001-12-12-2)發起,旨在全球範圍內激勵和表彰富有優異才華的頂尖設計和先鋒設計的一項國際賽事。該獎項由5只貓設計新聞網為主體,成立全球先鋒設計(中國)大獎組委會與評審委員會。

  It’s initiated by Global Pioneer Design Association, an association registered in Hong Kong. And it is an international event which is aimed at encouraging and commending top designs and pioneering designs with great talent on a global scale. The organizing committee and review committee of Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards are established with 5 Cats Design News Network as its main body.



  Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards Organizing Committee: composed of specially invited well-known figures in the design industry with 5 Cats Design News Network as its main body. It’s responsible for soliciting contributions, disseminating information, liaison, financial affairs and preliminary assessment of Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards.

  Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards Review Committee: composed of specially invited famous design experts in the international design industry with 5 Cats Design News Network as its main body and executed by Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards Organizing Committee. It’s responsible for the final review, adding up and publishing of the name list of Global Pioneer Design (China) Awards.

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