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Duravit 水疗池——健康舒适好选择
发布时间:2014-4-24 14:43:02   来源:齐鲁网   编辑:中国家装家居网


  Pool pleasure – all set for summer



  The sun is back and temperatures are starting to rise.And what about us ? We’re taking the plunge!<0}

  Tingling bathing pleasure with relaxing massage jets and atmospheric coloured light refreshes both body and soul.

  Completely immersed in water, bathers can float aimlessly whilst large or thousands of tiny air bubbles gently caress the skin.

  还在犹豫什么?无论置身于浴室、客厅抑或露台,您均可随时享用Duravit Blue Moon和Sundeck水疗池:其软皮盖板一旦展开,即可摇身一变成为放松休闲的甲板,让您可充分享受日光浴。面对炎炎夏日,我们整装待发,供您享用!

  In or out ? The Duravit Blue Moon and Sundeck pools are always ready to use – whether in the bathroom, living room or on the terrace.

  When unfolded, the soft leather cover is ideal for relaxing in the sunshine.It's all set for summer!

  Duravit 水疗池的奢华享受

  Luxuriating in Duravit pools

  Duravit 的 Blue Moon 和 Sundeck 追求极致之纯粹,于细节处独具匠心,让您从头到脚沐浴在淋漓的快乐之中。

  Blue Moon and Sundeck from Duravit feature refined details and purist design for tingling pleasure from head to foot.

  由方形的主体与浑圆的浴缸完美结合而成的 Blue Moon,突显立体派艺术风格,可谓是设计师的理想美梦。其比例规划恰到好处,180 x 180 cm 的大型尺寸可以容纳数人使用。白色亚克力(裙边)与精选的木质面板相映成趣,令水疗池显得既优雅大方又独具魅力。在无需使用时,可用一个真皮软垫盖板保护浴缸,令其“摇身一变”成为一个舒适温馨的休闲甲板 — 当然这一甲板也可实现经济性收纳。Blue Moon 款式多样,可划分为落地式、角位式和背靠墙式三种版本。

  With its square body and perfectly round tub, the Cubist-inspired Blue Moon is a designer’s dream.

  It is a well-proportioned 180 x 180 cm in size and can therefore accommodate several people.

  The interesting interplay between the white acrylic and select wood panelling makes the pool both elegant and distinctive.

  When not in use the pool can be protected by a padded leather cover, converting it into a comfortable relaxation deck that can also be economically stowed away

  Blue Moon comes in free-standing, corner or back-to-wall versions.

  因纯粹的造型和时尚的极简风格设计而为人称道的是出自澳大利亚设计师 trio EOOS 之手的 Sundeck:该款水疗池,配置优雅大方的纤细面板,令其矩形设计倍添精致细腻的圆润质感。在侧面隔板的下方,更配置有一体式集成技术,一旦将其打开,便可呈现出 241 厘米长的软皮盖板,作为舒适平台以供您休息。与此同时,盖板还起到美妙的保温效用,且能减少热量损失。若长时间不使用 Sundeck,可激活环保模式或待机模式来降低水温,从而节约热能消耗。

  The Sundeck by the Austrian designer trio EOOS is also notable for its pure form and stylishly minimalist design:

  the pool features elegant, slim panelling, which adds a finer nuance to the orthogonal design.

  The integrated technology is located below the convenient shelf at the side.

  When opened out, the upholstered leather cover is 241 cm long and provides a comfortable surface for relaxing.

  The cover also insulates the pool, helping to reduce energy consumption.

  If Sundeck is not used for a longer period, the water temperature can be reduced by activating the Eco or standby mode to save heating energy.

  Blue Moon和Sundeck均可随时供您享用。上述二个产品均配套先进成熟的卫生管理系统,确保缸中水流可储存长达三个月之久。此外,其开拓创新的卫生和温度循环模式,可时刻保持理想水温,让水流持续不断地流经内置过滤器,以实现循环流动。细滤嘴的更换操作极为简单:取下软垫隔板后,仅需几个简单步骤,便能取下和更换过滤器。激活集成控制面板上的按钮,便能轻松清空水疗池。

  Blue Moon and Sundeck are always ready for use.

  The sophisticated hygiene management system ensures that the water can remain in the tub for up to three months.

  The innovative hygiene and temperature cycle keeps the water at the desired temperature, moving it continuously through an integrated filter.

  Replacing the fine filter is quite straightforward

  after takinoff the upholstered shelf, the filter below can be removed and replaced in just a few steps.

  The pool can be conveniently emptied by activating a button on the integrated control panel.


  Duravit于 1817 年成立于德国南部霍恩贝格的黑森林镇,是欧洲历史最为悠久的陶瓷洁具生产商之一。在20世纪80年代末,Duravit率先联手国际知名设计师与建造师,全力开发新潮的浴室产品。公司随后迅速新增了浴室家具的制造业务,90 年代,公司国际业务快速发展,营业收入增加了十三倍。21世纪伊始,虽然本地化发展步伐不断提升,但公司仍旧保持快速开展国际化进程,在全球新成立了数十个销售办事处、11家工厂、数以百计的展示厅,其中包括位于纽约、巴黎、北京、上海等地的旗舰展厅。除此以外,公司于2001年又新增了一个名为“水疗与养生”的业务部门,主要致力于生产亚克力浴缸、按摩浴缸、多功能淋浴设备、桑拿房等产品。在取得全球成功经营及本地有效拓展的良好形势下,公司于2010年在中国创建了业务部门,该部门是公司在德国以外设立的首个业务部门,它致力于SensoWash® 智能座便器和电子盖板的开发与供应。

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