发布时间:2019/2/27 10:03:36 来源:Aires Mateus Architecture 编辑:中国家装家居网
关于里斯本Santa Clara 1728的一切,值得让人一探究竟。主体建筑保留当地丰富的历史元素,建筑师Aires Mateus所选材料的相互作用,简单而美丽。 该建筑最初建于1728年,经历了多次的改造。当然,设计的主旨是将不同时期建筑的元素融入到空间中,呈现一个现代版本的优雅酒店。
Everything about Santa Clara 1728 in Lisbon, makes you want to cry (in appreciation). From the rich historical elements retained by local architecture practice, Aires Mateus, to the interplay of the selected materials that feel simple and beautiful. The building, originally constructed in 1728, had undergone many incarnations, additions and transformations. The trick, of course, was to take the many construction periods to assimilate into the final product that resembles a holistic contemporary version of itself.

Nothing competes for attention in this hotel. All of the elements sit in harmony with each other, from the furniture selection and lighting to the calming palette of cream and beige and natural stones and linens.

This luxury hotel has all the beauty and architectural depth of a grand old dame mixed with the warmth and clean lines of a contemporary architectural addition. The material selection is exquisite. The many bathrooms on the property are expertly finished with a perfect eye for tile selection and statement piece bathtubs and washbasins.

This luxury hotel has all the beauty and architectural depth of a grand old dame mixed with the warmth and clean lines of a contemporary architectural addition. The material selection is exquisite. The many bathrooms on the property are expertly finished with a perfect eye for tile selection and statement piece bathtubs and washbasins.