米兰文艺复兴百货公司数码市集 地址:via Santa Radegonda 2015年9月17日至29日 开放时间:上午 10:00 至晚上 7:30
家具、设计与厨房:展现创造力(Arredo, design e cucina: la passeggiata della creatività) 是一款经 Dario Curatolo 构思和策划,由米兰家具展(Salone del Mobile.Milano)、欧洲厨 具展(EuroCucina) 与文艺复兴百货公司及意大利对外贸易委员会 (ICE) 署合作推出 的多媒体应用,旨在把意大利人的聪明才智、创造力、风格、创新、设计、技术和 意大利生活方式分享给全世界其他地区的人们。
意大利木业和家具工业联合会(Federlegno Arredo Eventi) 公司与伦巴第地区的伦巴第商 业、行业、手工业和农业协会(CCIAA) 开展合作,开发了一款名为 ITALY 的应用,向 世人展示对意大利的独特见解——创造力和情感的温床,为意大利专有技术和技能 提供传播载体,也凸显了意大利杰出设计的源泉。
Cucina Anima 设计(厨房灵魂设计) 区展示了 “意大利制造 (Made in Italy)”厨房家具的 亮点,其内部空间可迅速成为我们家庭的焦点。
9 月 17 日至 29 日,展区将举办大量关注家庭生活方式演变的会议,来自设计界的意 见领袖和企业家将汇聚一堂。这些会议全都向公众开放。
最后很重要的一点是,建设米兰世博会展馆的顶尖建筑师还会在 9 月 22 日(周二) 至 24 日(周四)举行的三个活动中讨论世博会后即将面临的挑战。
意大利 中国
Marva Griffin Wilshire 女士 王若楠女士
www.salonemilano.it press@salonemilano.it
linda@prprimo.com/linda.wang@theblenders.com.cn salonedelmobile@theblenders.com.cn
T:+86 13262758051
Furnishing, design and kitchens: creativity unfolds
Techno Souq, la Rinascente, Milan
via Santa Radegonda
17th - 29th September 2015
Free entrance from 10.00am to 7.30pm
Arredo, design e cucina: la passeggiata della creatività (Furnishing, design and kitchens: creativity unfolds) – a multimedia installation conceived by the Salone del Mobile.Milano and EuroCucina, in partnership with la Rinascente and the ICE Italian Trade Agency and curated by Dario Curatolo, to share Italian ingenuity, creativity, style, innovation, design, technology and the Italian style of living with the rest of the world.
A unique insight into the country – a hotbed of creativity and emotions – and a vehicle for Italian know-how and skill, is provided by the IN ITALY APP, produced by Federlegno Arredo Eventi in partnership with the Lombard Region in Agreement with the Lombard Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmanship and Agriculture (CCIAA), which flags up the provenance of Italy’s excellent designs.
The Cucina Anima Design (Kitchen Soul Design) area showcases the highlights of Made in Italy kitchens, the domestic space fast becoming the focal point of our homes.
From 17th to 29th September, the display area will host a wealth of meetings with opinion leaders from the design world and entrepreneurs, focusing on the evolution of domestic lifestyles. These are open to the public.
Last but not least, leading architects of pavilions for the Milan Universal Exposition will discuss what lies ahead post-Expo at three events from Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th September.
Milan, 25th September 2015
Media contacts:
Ms. Marva Griffin Wilshire www.salonemilano.it press@salonemilano.it
Ms. Linda Wang linda@prprimo.com/linda.wang@theblenders.com.cn salonedelmobile@theblenders.com.cn
T: +86 13262758051